In one hour, it will be December 30th. To some, December 30th is an insignificant day between the bustle of Christmas and the excitement of New Years. But true, die-hard JJCrochet fans have marked that day on their calendars because they know that December 30th, 2011 marks JJCrochet’s 6th Anniversary on Etsy. Woo-hoo!
Since last year, JJCrochet has sold 181 crochet patterns, crochet cowls, and crochet hats for a grand total of 816 sold items over the past 6 years. I’ve been so blessed. Thank you to every one of my customers. I’ve loved interacting with you, sharing little pieces of my crochet, and seeing your finished products.
To celebrate JJCrochet’s 6 year Etsy anniversary – you guessed it – I’m having another giveaway!
I was debating what would be better than giving away a free crochet pattern when I decided nothing would be better than that. Everyone loves free crochet patterns!
For JJCrochet’s anniversary, I’m giving away free copies of the Jenny Lee Hat (pictured above). It’s become one of my top selling patterns.
This free crochet pattern giveaway is good only on 12/30/11 so make sure you enter today. (To those who will post in the comments months after today, I’m sorry, but this is a one day, celebratory deal, so catch it while you can!)
To receive your free pattern, all you have to do is share. Here are the details:
- Share the JJCrochet love on a social networking site of your choice!
- Sharing includes: tweeting about your favorite project, sharing your favorite JJCrochet pattern on Facebook, or posting a link to one of JJCrochet’s crochet video tutorials.
- There are easy “share” buttons at the end of every post so it’s easy-peasy to enter. You can find JJCrochet on:
- Make sure to “tag” JJCrochet in your post/status/update/link so I know to enter you into the contest!
- If you’re unsure of how to enter, contact Jayna and I’ll help you out. 🙂
Everyone who enters will get a free Jenny Lee crochet pattern e-mailed to them (so be sure to send me your e-mail). Once you’ve shared the love, fill out the form below so I know where to send your free pattern.
JJCrochet's 6 Year Anniversary Giveaway Entry Form
After you've "shared the JJCrochet love", fill out this form to receive your free copy of the Jenny Lee Hat pattern!
Happy 6 Years, Everyone! Here’s to another six.
– Jayna
December 30, 2011Thanks for the free pattern! I have bought a few of your patterns and love them.
kristine rolin
December 30, 2011Beautiful hat! and Happy Anniversary!! Now to go pattern drool! 🙂
December 30, 2011New Fan, thanks for the free pattern. I’m sure I’ll be back for more!!
Marti Brewer
December 30, 2011Not sure about the website…hopefully I did what was required to get this sweet pattern..Congratulations on your anniversary!!! Very generous of you to give patterns away….
December 31, 2011I have some many ways I could so use this… Happy new year and thanks so much…. I am anew fan… turned here form a friend…
December 31, 2011Thank you!! Congrats on your 6 years on Etsy and Happy New Year!