Crochet, Knitting

Top 8 Reasons Why Crocheting is Better Than Knitting

Top 8 reasons Why Crocheting is Better than KnittingIt’s time to hang up the gloves. The question of which is better–crocheting or knitting– has been discussed since the first sheep’s wool was spun into yarn.

Knitters hold their needles high as they offer delicate stitches and sweaters that took weeks to knit, while crocheters fight back with the functionality of their knotted work.

As someone who has been crocheting since she was 8 and knitting since she was 13, I want to end this argument for good.

Crocheting is Better Than Knitting. (Don’t tell me you couldn’t see that coming… I have a crochet blog.)

Here are 8 reasons why I believe crocheting is better than knitting:

1.  Crocheting takes 30% more yarn than knitting.  While some might view this as a disadvantage, I view it as a positive. Any compulsive crafter would have to agree. The bigger dent you make in your overwhelming yarn stash at one time, the better.

2.  Crocheting uses one hook instead of two needles.  Why finagle two things when it’s easier to hold just one?

3.  Crocheting is faster.  Knitters see patterns for 5 1/2-hour crochet afghans and cringe. They dream about the day they could make something that fast. For crocheters, making an afghan in two evening sittings isn’t anything new.

4. Crocheting is easier to learn.  I’ll admit this one is subjective… but it’s factual and true.

5.  You have more freedom when crocheting.  Crocheters use one hook with one loop of yarn on it. Knitters, on the other hand, have perfectly aligned loops sitting obediently on their needles. Where’s the freedom? When crocheting, if you suddenly want to go over the side, go for it. Back the way you came?  Sure – not a problem. Want to join something together? Just fold and stitch along the top. Folks, it doesn’t get more free than that.

6. You can easily make  a crochet flower and other accessories.  I put crochet flowers on pretty much every hat I crochet because I think they’re adorable. (In fact, I love making crochet flowers so much that I created a Video Tutorial on how to crochet a flower.) Patterns for knitted flowers involve no less than 12 steps and lots of sewing together. All that work takes the joy out of flowers.

7. There are less crochet patterns than knitting patterns.  Also might seem like a downside, but the thrill of the hunt makes this a plus for crocheting. Finding a good crochet pattern is like finding GOLD. Hundreds of books have been written about knitting, but good crochet patterns are harder to trace down and more rewarding when you find them.

8.  And finally, the most compelling part of the case:  Crocheting creates a heavier, stretchier fabric. This heavier fabric is useful when making:

  • Hats
  • Scarves
  • Afghans
  • Baby Blankets
  • Scrubbies & Dishcloths
  • Dishtowels
  • Bags
  • Purses
  • Cowls
  • Socks/ Slippers
  • Rugs
  • Ponchos (are these still in?)
  • Cozies (iPod, Coffee Cup)
  • Pouches (Laptop, Cell Phone)
  • Flowers
  • Mittens or  Gloves
  • Amigurumi (little crocheted animals)
  • Even Dog Sweaters are better crocheted.

Pretty much the only thing people would rather knit than crochet is a sweater. So for projects that are a sweater, pull out the knitting needles. For everything else, grab a hook because crocheting’s where it’s at.

And so, I think you will find that crocheting, as whole, is better than knitting. What’s your preference? Are you a one hook or a two needle crafter?

For an additional comparison between knitting and crocheting, read here:


  • Brian

    October 28, 2021

    Thankyou for this!
    I learned to knit at an Ashram as a meditative way to use my hands while doing mantra, but I found it was not, well, efficient as far as making things, and had too many limitations. I also find knit items are not worth wearing, they just don’t have enough actual density for winter warmth, just some holey fabric that cold air blows straight through, so I may as well wear a polyester shirt from Bangladesh. Also, I am an efficiency addict so knowing that what I’m doing can be done better and faster by a machine kills all interest to me.
    Crochet, and, from what I’ve seen, Tunisian style, promises to be meditative while solving all the other problems I’ve had with knitting. Hearing an expert tell me it’s better was just the sort of push my brain needed to accept going into it. I love thrift store shopping, and I needed a way to use all the yarn I find, because my mom cant knot fast enough to use the bags of it I bring her! Can’t wait to make some Tunisian Crochet baby clothes, theyre gonna be thick and warm, like I’ve always wanted knitting to be…
    Im laughing at the bad logic knitters use to attack your conclusion. I mean, I know there are things knitting does well, so defend with honour! Yes, knitters seem elitist as one commenter pointed out, thats actually why I have been so hesitant to crochet, because I thought it was a step down.

  • Cash

    November 10, 2021

    Anything you can do in crochet, you can do knitting. For a lot of people Knitting is easier to learn than crochet. Just because you think the other way around, doesn’t mean it’s true of everyone. If you thought Crochet was better, why are there now patterns to replicate Knitting??! Because Knitting looks better and takes less yarn and there are far more patterns out there than for crocheting. There are also a lot of Free form knitting just like crocheting. Again, makes it better and more elegant than it’s redheaded sister Crocheting.

  • JJCrochet

    December 29, 2021

    You’re absolutely right – crocheting is so relaxing. I’m glad you’ve found the hobby and hope your mom keeps bringing you yarn!

  • JJCrochet

    December 29, 2021

    So cool that you can crochet and knit, Maya! Both crafts are great and it’s nice to be versatile to choose which one to do for a project. Your amigurumi animals sound adorable.

  • JJCrochet

    December 29, 2021

    Ha so true! Less time spent looking for a knitting needle’s friend – with crochet, you either have the hook or you don’t! Thanks for sharing.

  • JJCrochet

    December 29, 2021

    Being creative and having the freedom with crochet is the best. Glad you’re enjoying the free-form of crochet!

  • JJCrochet

    December 29, 2021

    I haven’t heard of Sylvia’s “srumbling” style of crochet, but it sounds so interesting! Your family is fortunate to have your crocheted gifts all these years and I know your granddaughter will enjoy her poncho, too!

  • Elizabeth Moore

    January 3, 2022

    Personally, I think your attitude regarding crochet is just as elitist as knitters. There is nothing wrong with either of them. If you prefer crochet, that’s great! If you prefer knitting that’s great! There’s enough divisiveness in this world without the debate of which is better, crochet or knit. I do both, by the way. I prefer knitting. My mother did both but preferred crochet. She made beautiful items doing both!

  • Amy F

    February 6, 2022

    Crochet all the way! I can do both (I crochet more than I knit). Advantages? The speed, the ease, and that we can crochet things to look knitted, but not the other way around. IMO, crochet is more flexible, and the ease of crocheting vs knitting comes from only having to deal with one hook instead of looking around for the other needle that must have rolled under my bed where I can’t reach it, from being able to fix mistakes easier (most of the time), from frogging being so much easier because I don’t have to pick up every loop and make sure it’s going on the needle the right direction, and so on. Like you, I see a gap in the market. Where I live, the ONLY decent yarn shop for over 120 miles is called a “knittery” and they don’t carry one single thing for crocheters, not one! In fact, the one and only crochet hook they carry isn’t even called a crochet hook, but a “stitch fixer”! C’mon!! Every knitter knows they need a crochet hook to easily fix mistakes, so why not just call it a crochet hook?. Sheesh. That alone is a turn-off, and it makes me more likely to buy online after I go into their shop and feel and see the yarns. One would assume that, given such an easily expandable target market, they may be persuaded to simply add a few crochet hooks and stitch markers to their supply, regardless of being a knittery. Are there more patterns for knitters? Of course, but again, the market for crochet is bigger, and it’s so incredibly easy to modify a crochet pattern into something else you like more. And finally, why on earth are knitters (more often than not) so offended by people who just prefer, or learned, a different art and resentful that there’s a place for us, too??? Just reading some of the comments will show you that. It’s petty.

  • Kristen

    May 30, 2022

    I would add socks to the knitting list, but other than that I would readily agree with this article–which is why once I learned to crochet I never knitted again!
    Also, aside from flexibility in creative choices and the fact that it works up faster, the biggest reason why I turned to crochet and never looked back is because during the year I knitted my then-young nephew thought the needles made great toy swords and was constantly pulling them out of my work when I wasn’t looking. Dropped stitches? Not fun!

  • Margaret

    June 15, 2024

    If you find your knitted garment are not warm enough you should try Lambswool. My mother knitted me a mini dress to match my trousers, one Sunday we were asked to work overtime, it was really cold, but my dress kept me toasty

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