Crochet, Pictor Granny Square, Projects

Crochet Granny Square Picot Afghan – Part II

grannyblanketIn March, I shared the beginning of the granny square/picot flower blanket. Since then, the blanket has grown from just 5 squares to 18 beautiful rainbow squares, including a large 8-rounder. Each little square is 4 x 4 rounds of granny, but the larger square takes up twice that, so 8 rounds–or the size of two squares.

Non-coincidentally, the  release of Arrested Development, Season 4 has seem to cause an exponential growth  in my available crochet time. I am enjoying quiet nights at home with this project and Netflix.

Progress pictures for those wandering how the blanket is growing. I’m planning to have a couple more squares added by the end of the week.



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