I’m still home on Christmas break from college (PTL for private schools with 4 week Christmas breaks) and have been crocheting and knitting quite a bit. I’ve made way too many knit and crochet hats, but when you have a hat-selling business, I guess that’s a good problem to have. Last week, I convinced my younger sister to model some of my crochet hats and we had so much fun – me playing with my new camera, and her just loving being other the other side of the lens. It was about 15 degrees here in Pennsylvania when we took these shots and I can still hear my little sister complaining about the cold.
While we did take some great pictures of my crocheted and knit hats…
…There were some awkward/ funny/ disturbing pictures that just won’t make the final cut.
She started to get a little crazy towards the end…
Overall, though, I’d say this photoshoot was a success. And if not, at least I have some great pictures to use as blackmail when she gets older.