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Hand-Spun Merino Yarn

Read the title of this post.  I’ll give you 3 guesses as to what I bought at an Arts Festival this weekend.  If you guessed a skein of hand-spun merino yarn, you’re right!  Woo!

Hand-spun Merino Wool Yarn

My mom and I spent this hot Saturday afternoon browsing at a local Arts Festival.  It was a pleasant few hours and certainly nice to be on the other side of the booths for a change.

One of the tents caught my attention:  It was a booth with hand-spun yarn!  Although the yarn was lovely, the lady working the booth was not.  She was a little distracted and not very helpful, but I thought the yarn was worth it despite her poor customer service.  See pictures below, I hope you’ll agree.

Hand-spun Merino Wool Yarn

I ended up purchasing 104 yards (1.4oz) of hand-spun, hand-dyed Merino wool yarn.  Yum.  It was a special treat (from myself to myself).  I think it’ll be just enough yarn to make a hat.

Hand-spun Merino Wool Yarn

Hand-spun Merino Wool Yarn

One of these days, I’d love to learn how to spin.  I have some roving I purchased a while ago, but never got around to learning how to do it.  Anyone know how to spin and want to team me? I’ll make you a haaaat. 🙂

Hand-spun Merino Wool Yarn