I received an unexpected surprise this week: I’m quoted in the February 2012 Edition of Good Housekeeping!
Here’s my section, in an article entitled, “The Two Friends Every Woman Should Have” by Lise Funderburg. It’s on page 93 (click any image below to enlarge). Or, you can read the article here: http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/family/inspirational-people/long-lasting-friendships. I’m on page 2, Item #4!
They made my quote the feature quote of the article (you know, the one they blow up and put in big font) and even made the page knitting-themed. How cool!
You may be wondering how this came about. Let me share with you:
1. June 1 – I hear about HARO (Help A Reporter Out) where journalists post requests for help with articles they’re writing/ researching
2. June 13 – I come across an inquiry about inter-generational friendships. I type out a response and send it in
3. Six months later (Dec) – I get an e-mail from a Good Housekeeper factchecker
4. February 2012 – Published in the February edition of Good Housekeeping!
So simple and so much fun! I actually unsubscribed from HARO a few weeks after joining because, even though it’s free, getting their inquiries in my inbox every day was too much.
But yes – The Knotty Knitters have gone national, ha – too crazy! Just thought I’d share 🙂
January 14, 2012How very cool! To easy. . . congrats! 😉
January 17, 2012Just watched your 10 petal crochet you-tube video. This brought me to your blog and I’m so happy it did. What a great job to be quoted in Good Housekeeping. You should be very proud. Congrats to you!!! Thanks for the blog. I can’t wait to read it from “cover to cover”.
Happy Hookin’ !
January 18, 2012Aw, you’re too much, Valerie! I’m glad you found my blog. Hope you find some nice little treats in these pages. Please share if you make anything. 🙂 Enjoy!
February 1, 2012Congrats! I love HARO! I was in Parents magazine and most recently “Etsy 101”, a new book that just came out.
Michelle Walrick
January 31, 2013Wow! Congrats that is so impressive. I don’t have a website like this so I had to just put in a site I liked in the “website” section but it is great to see how far you can go with a passion.