
Fred Has Been Bombed

Hide yer women, hide yer kids. Fred, AKA Mr. Rogers, HAS BEEN BOMBED.

Yarn bombed, that is.  (Though not by me.)

Mr. Rogers Crocheted Sweater

I was on my way to the Pirates’ Game this weekend, walking along the River, when I spotted Fred in a lovely red crocheted sweater.  Too cool.  (Although when I saw it, the sweater looked more like a poncho with a front zipper… What happened to the sleeves?)

Turns out the sweater was designed by Alicia Kachmar, a Pittsburgh crocheter and artist.  You can read more about the sweater construction here on her blog.

Mr. Rogers Crocheted Sweater - Pittsburgh

Mr. Rogers Crocheted Sweater - Pittsburgh

Mr. Rogers Crocheted Sweater - Pittsburgh

If you happen to be near Heinz Field or PNC in the next weeks, you should stop by and see Freddy for yourself.  Man, how I love Pittsburgh.

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