I love Ryan Gosling (who doesn’t).
I love crocheting (who doesn’t).
And I love yarn (as any crocheter should). So when my sister-in-law sent me this “Hey Girl”, I had to share.
If you don’t know about “Hey Girls”, it’s pretty much sexy images of Ryan Gosling saying romatinic/ridiculous/dreamy things that every girl wants to hear. A browse through a Pinterest search for “Hey Girl” will help you get caught up.
Aaaand, if you want some truly corny laughs, check out Hey Christian Girl – the Christian version of these. Nothing like Bible jokes to get you roaring, ha. Some of my favs:
February 22, 2013Hi Jayne
I just love the poster, “buy all the yarn you want I think it’s sexy” – please can I share it on my blog if I credit it back to your blog – it is an amazing find. Small funny things make me so happy x
February 22, 2013Absolutely, Sue! Feel free to share the image on your blog. Glad you enjoyed it – I laughed for a good 2 minutes when I first saw it. Ohhh Ryan!
February 23, 2013Thank you so much x
March 4, 2013Ryan Gosling actually does enjoy knitting! He says it helps him relax, I read it in an interview yesterday. Who would’ve thought? 😀